The PT Boat Forum
» Forum Category: PT Boats of WWII
» Forum Name: PT Boats - General
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Elco PT boat exhaust systems
Dear Forum, I am interested in the exhaust pipes of the PT boats. At least on the Elco PTs, they were located on the stern and the exhaust pipes which turn down to below the water line, appear baffled which I assume allows the boats to move quietly at slow speed while approaching enemy shipping and then opening the baffles to allow exhausting to the air above the water line when they needed to run at high speed. My questions are, is this why they were designed as such and secondly, was this unique technology to the PT boats or did other small naval military vessels have muffler/exhaust systems like this? Thanks for you input. Lee Greenwood
Posted By: Lee G | Posted on: Aug 15, 2017 - 5:03pm
Total Posts: 16 | Joined: Dec 6, 2015 - 10:11am