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» Forum Category: PT Boats of WWII

» Forum Name: PT Boats - General

» Topic: Action Report PT 369 And 366

I have had this action report for some time and thought it would be
interesting to post. My late uncle was aboard PT 369 as a Fireman
when this happened.The credit for this action report goes to Matt
Kudla who was a Motor Mac on PT 366.
September 24/25 1944
PT's 369 and 366 departed Morotai Island,from the PT Tender U.S.S.
Oyster Bay AGP-6 at 1745 hours to patrol Area Three. At 2000 Hours/
24 off the Island of Halmahera, PR-366 spotted a small camouflaged
collapsible barge and it was completely collapsed,off our port bow with
no one in it or around this barge. This barge was (4 1/2) miles off MITI
Island, off the coast of Halmahera Island. Our skipper gave orders to Jim
Redmond who is the port 50 cal.turrer gunner to strafe and destroy the
collapsible barge.
Jim's twin 50 cal. machine guns shredded the barge into pieces, we
then continued on our patrol. At 2151 hours/24, two 110 foot barges,
identified as type William, on a northerly course were intercepted one
mile south of Kolorai Island.
On the first run, barges burst into flame and burned brightly, indiciating
that they were carrying oil. Small-arms fire was received from barges and
shore fire up to a 37mm with green tracers, was received from the south
tip fo KOLORAI Island, from BOBI Island and from the mainland near
No damage was sustaind by the boats. At 0630/25 a Jap was seen
swimming in the sea approximately 4 1/2 miles northeast of MITI Island,
bucking a swift current, trying to reach this Island. He was definitely one
of the barge personnel that was on that collapsible barge, because he
was in the vicinity where our boat sank that barge.
The Japanese indicated great unwillingnes to be taken prisioner and motioned to the 369 crew that he wished to be shot. As this was not done, by the crew members of PT-369, he committed HARI-Kari with his
bayonet as he was being pulled up onto the boat with a boat -hook. As
the 366 and 369 arrived to the PT Tender, the Oyster Bay, to have this prisoner interrogated, he died. Death occured just as we tied up to our
Tender, which was at 0730/35. The Dead prisioner was buried at sea.

The Japanese turned out to be a officer. Also from PT 369 action
report here is the following ammunition that they expended
20MM 360 rounds
50cal 1700 rounds
30cal 1700 rounds
37MM 50 rounds
Hope you found this interesting
Mark Kiene Crewkin PT 369

Posted By: Mark Kiene | Posted on: Dec 16, 2006 - 2:57pm
Total Posts: | Joined: Unregistered

Thanks Mark. These reports and anecdotes are all very interesting and it's great to get them posted.

Any chance you'll be attending the Reunion in June?


Marty Johnson
2nd Generation
PT 168 RON 10
In Memory of LT(JG) Martin A. Johnson

Posted By: Marty Johnson | Posted on: Dec 16, 2006 - 4:19pm
Total Posts: | Joined: Unregistered

I plan on going to the reunion in June. This will be my 1st reunion and
i am looking forwrd to it. Hope to see you there.

Mark Kiene

Posted By: Mark Kiene | Posted on: Dec 17, 2006 - 9:07am
Total Posts: | Joined: Unregistered