The PT Boat Forum

» Forum Category: PT Boats of WWII

» Forum Name: PT Boats - General

» Topic: Memorial Day: A time for giving back

As a number of you know I originally was looking for details to complete my PT-157 model when Dick Washichek suggested that I started looking through this Board. I haven't taken this model lightly and I'm a bit possessed by it. Well, if in the building of this model PT you learn some of its history by understanding how that boat was constructed which push you to edge of your sanity in the drive for details then so be it. In the asking for details I have been swept by the winds history, blown back to the desperate days when a few men in wooden boats were pushed to the front line and given an impossible task. It was, in retrospect, brave to name a movie at that time 'They Were Expendable' for they were sent to a fate which no could a time when the dice of victory were still rolling these PTs became a first wall of resistance thrown at a very determined foe. But they were the first to send the message back at them and say 'that's far enough!'. The 'Mosquitoes' were the foot in the door by which the US would reenter and engage.

The very special wonder for me this past month has been to converse with a number of Pacific based PT crewman, three of which served on the PT-157.

I am truly humbled by what I've read on this Board and the vets who I have had the pleasure to talk to by phone. And talking just this past month to Captain Libenow, the Plank Captain of the 157, who endured the night his 157 was caught between two enemy destroyers, took over 60 hits to the boats, sank one destroyer and RTB...without losing any of his crew. To his Torpedoman Welford West, whose voice fades and still chokes when he talks about the night radioman Raymond Koury was killed on deck right beside him as he was bringing more ammo to Welford for his deck gun. Those familiar photos of the times are no longer black and white images but the color of real flesh and boats to me.

As some of you are aware I have written a book about the making of my PT-157 model and companion website from which to inform and offer this book. It is meant as a primer for those wishing to make some PT details from scratch as a way to get some great details.

Well...this is Memorial Day month. A time to reflect and a time to honor. So anytime this Memorial Day month (before June 1) if you send $15 (or more) to I will send you a the [B]downloadable [/B]version of the 100 page book [B]'PT-157: A Scale Model Builder's Notebook'[/B] as my thanks for helping those who have helped us.

I have no direct connection to PTBOATS so you'll have to send me an email saying you've sent your money to PTBOATS (email me at This will be on the honor system here. To preview this book visit website: (don't purchase it there or you'll owe me $15!!). This is until June 1, 2010 (I have to say that I think)

Send you contributions to PTBOATS directly to:
PT Boats. Inc.
P.O. Box 38070,
Germantown, TN 38183
or see this webpage: [B] [/B]

PT Vets with limited budgets: If you are interested to get a copy (and see why some of us modelers drive you crazy asking for details) you can also contact me directly and I will email this downloadable version of the book to you (please include which PT or base you were assigned to and what year/s you were there just so I can place in my mind where you were at). Email:

.... And as you enjoy Memorial Day weekend give them, and especially all that lost their lives in defense of freedom, a moment of thanks!

- Bridge

Posted By: TheBridge | Posted on: May 12, 2010 - 8:01pm
Total Posts: 319 | Joined: Nov 22, 2009 - 3:04pm

Well said Bridge and thank you for your generosity. I know how hard you've worked on your boat, and book, these last few years.

Posted By: Jeff D | Posted on: May 12, 2010 - 11:06pm
Total Posts: 2203 | Joined: Dec 21, 2006 - 1:30am

Very Well Said. I wish you continued success in your attempts to make a first class PT BOAT. I am in hopes that my interview tapes have provided you more information than you already had..........

Posted By: Frank J Andruss Sr | Posted on: May 13, 2010 - 4:30am
Total Posts: 3545 | Joined: Oct 9, 2006 - 6:09am

[b]A reminder that next weekend is Memorial Day weekend![/b]
See my original post (above) to contribute and get a soft-copy of my book at no charge.


Posted By: TheBridge | Posted on: May 23, 2010 - 1:36pm
Total Posts: 319 | Joined: Nov 22, 2009 - 3:04pm

Great work, Bridge


Posted By: Will Day | Posted on: May 23, 2010 - 3:03pm
Total Posts: | Joined: Unregistered