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» Forum Category: PT Boats of WWII
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PT Boat Nav Lights
Was wondering if any of our PT Boat veterans could tell me what they remember about the use of PT Boat Navigation lights in combat areas of the Pacific. Other than the red & green nav lights, did the 80' Elcos in combat have any other form of external illumination? E.g. Nowadays pleasure boats have the white stern light usually on the flag pole.
I'm trying to find out, when the boats were docked, &/or nested at base, or tender, did they ever sit with their nav lights on.
In addition how & when where the lights used, (if at all) in combat theaters during routine operations.
I know aircraft rarely used their nav lights in theater(for obvious reasons), but instead used the dark blue formation lights to see each other in close formation. Did the boats employ anything like that while on patrol?
Posted By: Blake | Posted on: Feb 16, 2010 - 1:45pm
Total Posts: | Joined: Unregistered
We maintained total blackout when at base and when underway. The only exception was a small ultraviolet light which illuminated the cockpit instrument panel.
Posted By: QM | Posted on: Feb 17, 2010 - 5:13pm
Total Posts: | Joined: Unregistered