The PT Boat Forum

» Forum Category: PT Boats of WWII

» Forum Name: PT Boats - General

» Topic: The 40 mm and the 37 mm

There have been no 40 mm or 37 mm gun crew members corresponding on this forum so I am making an effort to support them. I believe that at least two aircraft were shot down with the 37 mm. One of the four aircraft, a Val, shot down on December 27, 1943 was shot down by the 190's 37 mm. That leaves three aircraft for all of the other guns on the two boats. I believe that the 190's 37 was mounted for firing from a standing position. I am certain that some were fired from a standing position. If Ed Farley has published a book, perhaps this book will confirm a shoot down with the 37.

The 40 mm could be cranked around fairly rapidly and smoothly. Usually the gunners would be shooting at aircraft coming toward them. The 40 could be very effective against aircraft approaching from the stern. At times it may have been the only gun that could be fired directly astern. The 40 could also be effective against aircraft approaching on a strafing run from either side. It could cover more than 180 degrees. A 37 on the bow could also cover more than 180 degrees. The 37 probably could not be aimed as easily as the 40. The 40 had sights for the trainer and the tracker. The 37 mm was a point and shoot operation as was the 20 mm and the twin 50's. The gunners relied on tracers. Also, the 40 mm and the 37 mm fired explosive shells as did the 20 mm.

Recently I talked with an old PT gunners mate. He said that the 40 mm was an effective anti-aircraft gun. He also said that his position was on a 37mm and that on one occasion he shot down an aircraft.

All of the guns on he boats served their purpose well.

Posted By: QM | Posted on: Dec 5, 2008 - 6:18pm
Total Posts: | Joined: Unregistered

My Dad was back with the 40 mm crew. They mostly shot the hell out of Jap barges!


Posted By: Ray Wilbur | Posted on: Dec 5, 2008 - 6:41pm
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No doubt two wonderful and welcome weapons on the PT Boats. My omments on the weapons as Anti-Aircraft wepaons still atands. The 40MM, although a powerful weapon, was mainly used to smash thru Japanese Barges in the Pacific, knock hell out of shore installations, and knock out smaller craft, such as German S Boats, or Mas Boats. Same thing with the 37MM, a wonderfrul automatic weapon when used in combination with he single 40 mount, could cause much mayhem to the enemy.

However, the single 40MM on a pictching, rolling, and zig zagging boat running for its life against enemy attacking aircraft , was very difficult to hit a plane coming in at strafing speed. I am not saying that it never happened, because listening to some who were there it did. My comments are based on why he weapons were added in the first place. It was not to help against aircraft, because the Navy and Crews had that covered with twin 50 caliber guns and 20MM Cannons. As I stated before, the 40MM Cannon was so effective during the War because of its power, and range. But remember,these were on Capital ships, and were automatically trained, and had numerous gun tubs. They could start blasting at them from a mile out. Also, the Ships were 100 hundred times larger then a PT Boat, thus could not outrun, or dodge any planes. They relied on numerous weapons systems. Shear numbers.

I also based my comments on the many interviews I have had over the years, and many conversations with Skippers, XO's, Gunners Mates, and other Crew Members who were there. So, with that said, the 40MM and 37MM were wonderful weapons on a PT Boat, and increased their role as a gun platform ten fold. They gave the PT Boats the edge in the Pacific, and evened things up in the Med against other small craft, but were not the best weapons against an attacking plane on a moving PT Boat. Now, with that said "If the boats spotted the planes from far away, and could train those guns on the attackers and start firing quickly, here is a chance they could hit them. But given that a PT Boat mainly operated at night, that was a tough chore. Most boats attacked were hit on their way back to Base, or on a day time run. Some were hit at the docks. Please if you disagree with me, give me a shout.

Posted By: Frank J Andruss Sr | Posted on: Dec 6, 2008 - 4:07am
Total Posts: 3545 | Joined: Oct 9, 2006 - 6:09am

Frank: altho I was not part of the gun crews, our skipper had each of us train on all guns, just in case. On two combat occasions I was manning twin 50's and the stern 40mm. You are correct, the 40mm was so tough to track an incoming aircraft its value was mostly to keep the pilot at a safer height. Our 40mm had a red line at about 40 degrees elevation and gunners were not supposed to elevate the barrel beyond that. The deck couldn't stand it and once the gun broke through. The 37mm gun was impossible to aim accurately for most gunners, but it was the only aromor-piercing capability we had. Even the 40mm would do well against everything except armored vessels. However we were fortunate to have an excellent 37mm gunner. It was a delight to see his tracers arc into a vessel, cave or shore position. It too was not very good against aircraft. In fact, with its manual mount, the gunner jusy couldn't physicslly get low enough to shoot upward. However, all guns added to our awsome fire-power and we did pretty good against all comers.

Posted By: BobPic | Posted on: Dec 6, 2008 - 7:50am
Total Posts: | Joined: Unregistered

Heres some nice shots (pardon the pun) to go along with this thread,

Bow 37mm

Rear 40mm

Mid 20mm

Twin 50


Posted By: Michael | Posted on: Dec 6, 2008 - 5:04pm
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